Thursday, November 27, 2008


As you can probably ascertain from my photographs: Thanksgiving was a success. The food was delicious, the company was entertaining, and I left with a full belly and thanks for a great family and good health. We spent the afternoon at my aunt and uncle's home. They prepared an excellent meal and my mom and I supplied the cranberries: cranberry bread, cranberry sauce, and cranberry-white chocolate-pecan pie (jealous? yum!). My adorable little cousins were there as well, and it's always good to see them as they will grow up so quickly.

The photographs below are the adorable works of my little cousin, Issac. He is basically a genius and, although some of the spelling/punctuation is slightly incorrect, I was quite impressed with his little Nature essay. He also loves Project Runway and decided to design some dresses himself. The funny thing is that I would actually wear any of the ones listed. And the last picture is of the grocery list: part one by my aunt and embellished by Issac in the second part.

Hope everyone enjoyed the season's good tidings and cheer. Sleep well and good luck at the stores tomorrow. I don't know if I'll actually be venturing out as I'm not a huge fan of buying presents vs. making them (and I've heard some nighmare stories about the vicious mom's hunting for the best bargain).

Sleep well. Parisian fille

1 comment:

Gstar said...

Hello Perisian fille :)

A little designer in the making!! How cute... you're right, they are actually very good! I'd wear them too